
Top 10 Pet Peeves

  1. When the sun is shining right in front of your face and there is no way to avoid it/when someones headlights are shining in one of your mirrors on you car causing you to go blind. I just hate super bright lights that get in the way.
  2. When people have greasy hair. I don't know why that bothers me so much. It just does. I guess its just because I think they could look so much better if they just washed their hair.
  3. When there are papers laying somewhere and a fan is on and the papers are blowing making a crinkly noise. That one is kind of hard to describe but it drives me nuts. Especially when the dumb sound wakes me up in the middle of the night and it sounds like a creeper walking in my house.
  4. I hate when Doctors are fat or smoke and when dentists/orthodontists have ugly teeth. They tell us to follow all these rules that they don't follow themselves.
  5. Blue Eyeshadow. Whoever thought that blue eyeshadow was a good idea, seriously has problems. Blue eyeshadow is for clowns not for normal people.
  6. When super smart people don't try hard. They have the brain they just don't use it to its full potential.
  7. People that always care about what they look like in pictures. You know what people I'm talking about. The ones that always ask to see the picture after you take it. I just don't show it to them.
  8. Administrators at schools. I swear most of them just choose to work at a high school because they were such a loser and just want to get back t high school students.
  9. Motorcyclists. I hate when they go in between lanes and cut everyone off and all that junk.
  10. Ugly landscaping. If people would just plant their own plants and dead head them once in a while, the world would be much prettier. Not that I'm a go green kind of person, I just don't like looking at ugly plants.


  1. Ahhhh okay the first one! That drives me crazy! When I was driving to your house people had their brights on and I was like can you please not do that! I can't see and I am going to die!! haha

  2. All of this made me laugh. I can't wait to listen to the new Taylor Swift CD with you!! I totally agree with you on all of the above :)
