

Some of the best roommates in the world!

Can't believe these girls will be in Taiwan so soon!

Just having some fun! 

Going to miss my best friend so much!

I can't believe all these girls are going on missions. They're such amazing examples to me and I love that I've been able to form such great friendships with them. 6 months ago, I would have never thought that almost all my friends would be leaving on missions. Its hard to imagine my life without texting Becca everyday and telling her everything. I'm so excited for them but they will be greatly missed!


Beginning of Winter Semester

Seeing some EFY buddies from a few years ago at a dance. Love these guys!

At the Timpanogas temple after Lydia went through.

Basketball game with the best roommates!

Meeting Sister Dalton (for the second time).

I got glasses!

Katie and Kara's way of locking Dominica and I in our room so we would finish our movie for our class.

Saying goodbye to Justin!

Shirt made for one but fits two midgets. (and my super cool silky froggy PJs)

Here are some pictures from adventures towards the beginning of the semester. As I realize that there are only 4 weeks until the semester is over I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday that I was being introduced to the woes of American Heritage and getting used to the new semester. When I look back at these pictures and realize all that has happened this semester it makes the beginning seem like so long ago. Its good to look back and realize how much I've grown and to see how school has gone. I'm going to miss this semester, but I'm so excited for Spring term!