
Here comes the sun

It only seems fitting that while studying for my last final before summer is here that "Here Comes the Sun" would shuffle on my computer. Almost there. 10 more hours to freedom. I can taste summer!


I have Friends in Holy Places

Two of my roommates from last semester.

Getting frozen yogurt with these cool cats.

Free donuts on national donut day with my roommate Syd and her cute little sister!

Just seductively eating cookies with Josh.

Going to Hokulia after the temple. Our tradition!

Some of my favorite people I've met from this semester. Sad to move away from them in 2 days.

One of my most favorite people ever. Everybody this is Morgen.

Looking through my pictures last night I realized two things. I have amazing friends and I like food. This term I have made some of the greatest friends. Even though its only been 6 weeks I feel like I've known these people forever. I'm so glad that I have friends who share the same standards and goals as me and that also set such great examples for me. I feel so blessed.

As for the food part, except for 3 of these pictures, every other picture involved food in some way. Food is my life.


California on my Mind

Enjoyed the San Diego LDS temple in all its glory.

Pretty sure this is paradise.

2 of the greatest boys you'll ever meet.

California Adventure!

Toy story ride. Why aren't these glasses in style?

Happiest place on earth!

We got drenched on Splash Mountain. At least it didn't look like we had peed our pants like some other people we saw.

Love this sweet roommate of mine!

After 15 hours at Disneyland. We were tired.

A couple weeks ago, some friends and I decided we wanted to go to California. The next week, we were on our way to the Golden state. We drove through the night and surprised Crystal and my parents. It was one of the most spontaneous and fun things I've ever done. We had so much fun enjoying the many things that Southern California has to offer. I definitely need to go home more often. Its quite nice. 



The other day I was walking through the Wilkinson Center at BYU (its the student center at BYU and has food, our bookstore, and tons of help/advisement areas). There is some Kesha music coming from some speakers about 20 ft away. I'm walking behind this older man who was on the larger side and he just starts to break out dancing. No reservations, he just goes for it. Then as I pass him by, he stops and says, "Well that was embarrassing." I'm not sure what was funnier; the fact that he was dancing to Kesha or looked at me and told me it was embarrassing. It made my day. I wish I could've recorded it.

On another note, I officially declared my major yesterday as Pre-Management. Accounting here I come!


Bad Blogger

I've been out of the swing of blogging for oh the past year. Since beginning college, it was just so much harder to blog, especially if I wanted to blog my outfits. My mom wasn't living with me to take my pictures, and I couldn't sink to the safety of my backyard so I wouldn't be embarrassed while people passed by. I tried to take pictures of my clothes a few times in my dorm, but they always turned out ugly. Also, I felt like there was never enough time to post anything with all the studying I have to do. Thats why I've decided to make a resolution to be better at blogging by just posting simple stuff like funny things that happen to me in the day or things that I feel are important. I'll probably still throw a few outfits in there, especially as I move back home this summer, but I want to blog things from my everyday life. There won't be as many pictures, nor will the posts be long, but being a student, especially at BYU means that weird/funny things happen to me everyday. Hope this goes over well and I actually do blog!