
Bad Blogger

I've been out of the swing of blogging for oh the past year. Since beginning college, it was just so much harder to blog, especially if I wanted to blog my outfits. My mom wasn't living with me to take my pictures, and I couldn't sink to the safety of my backyard so I wouldn't be embarrassed while people passed by. I tried to take pictures of my clothes a few times in my dorm, but they always turned out ugly. Also, I felt like there was never enough time to post anything with all the studying I have to do. Thats why I've decided to make a resolution to be better at blogging by just posting simple stuff like funny things that happen to me in the day or things that I feel are important. I'll probably still throw a few outfits in there, especially as I move back home this summer, but I want to blog things from my everyday life. There won't be as many pictures, nor will the posts be long, but being a student, especially at BYU means that weird/funny things happen to me everyday. Hope this goes over well and I actually do blog!

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