

Whenever I get in the shower there is always a bug in there. Okay not always but probably 3 times a week. They range from spiders to mosquito hawks and silver fish to june bugs. All gross and annoying, especially when they will not go down the drain. The spider this week was fighting going down the drain and it was so obnoxious. I hate when they are on the wall because then you have to wait until the end until you wash them down the drain because you want to be able to escape if they get close to you. I just really hate bugs because they are gross and unpredictable. But I will squish them like a pancake.


  1. Oh my gosh YES!! haha there are always bugs in the shower when i get in too! And I usually don't have my contacts in so they freak my out even more! haha

  2. haha It's so annoying! There was a fat spider in mine today!
