
Friday February 11, 2011

I just have to say how eventful friday was. I turned in my junior paper!!!! That is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. The biggest assignment of my high school career is over and it feels fabulous. I also saw three car accidents on friday. Two of them were on my way home from school and the third was when I was on my way to a key club event. Then I also saw an ambulance when I was running. It took me an hour to get to a place that usually takes me 15 minutes to get to. traffic was ridiculous and once I got up to forty, I seriously put my arms in the air and screamed because it was so exciting. Obviously, I have an exciting life when things like this make for eventful days. :)


  1. hahaha oh Caitlin! what is ajunior paper? we don't have those at my school... I know the feeling of being grateful for non-traffic! haha

  2. Junior paper is a research and literary analysis paper that you do your junior year.
