So my summer was pretty crazy. Actually REALLY crazy. I don't think I've ever had a busier summer. I wish I didn't have so much going on so that I could have enjoyed the fun times instead of worrying about what I had to do next. So here's a list of what I did:
- had Princess Camp at my house
- went to Girl's Camp and got to be a counselor
- had Boy's Camp at my house
- helped my best friend move 700 miles away
- painted the kitchen cabinets
- taught a little boy how to swim
- went to Soak City with some of my best friends
- went to Utah and saw my cousins
- went to Utah canyon
- drove the Sequoia
- cleaned out Sydney's closet
- fell in love with the song "Home"-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
- went down a huge zipline
- got a tour of BYU
- spent a week with Becca at EFY
- got hit on by 14 year olds
- had a cow cross in front of our car
- stayed in Mammoth for a few days with my dad's side of the family
- went to a couple receptions
- became a nanny for a week
- read the constitution
- learned how to drive stick shift
- babysat a TON!!!
Soak City |
Girls Camp |
Reception 1
BYU Tour |
Mammoth |
So as you can see it was a pretty stressful summer. But it was still really fun!
so cute caitlin! glad you had a great summer... bummed i didn't get a chance to come down and visit. miss you like crazy. hope school is going great. i'll have to come down to SD soon! SURE LOVE YA!!