
I'm a Senior.

You'd think that statement would bring a ton of joy to me right? To be completely honest it really doesn't. I'm pretty neutral about it. Being a senior is hard. I'm going to have to do college apps, get everything for college, decide on a major, take two AP tests, get all A's, get 100% seminary attendance, and party like crazy. That's a lot to do in a year. But also being a senior means that I can be weird and not really care about what people think about me because I won't see them ever again come June and it means that I get to finally be done with high school. It means that I can stop waking up before 5, I get to be the cool kid on campus, and I get to party like crazy. Did I already say that?
My classes are pretty good this year. Hard but good. They all go by really fast and I like the people in them so thats fun. I do have to read some really stupid books for English this year though. :/ I'm excited for my senior year though. Mostly for it to be over so that I can FINALLY go to college! School is good.


  1. How did this happen. I wish you could go back to kindergarten. Remember, how you had to wear makeup on your first day of kindergarten?

  2. I am totally feeling you. school is just sooo over-rated right now, but I know i still have so much to do before I can really let my senoritis sink in. oops! too late! haha can't WAIT for college. SURE LOVE YA!!
