Hope you had a Merry Christmas!!!
You may have noticed that yesterday was Christmas. It was wonderful. I love having Christmas on a Sunday because it spreads it out and makes the whole day feel like Christmas and not just the morning. I got some pretty awesome clothes that will compliment my wardrobe wonderfully. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day. :)
The future
So lately I've been thinking a lot about the future because my present is kind of boring. Good but boring. I know that I want to move back to Poway when I start a family with my wonderful eternal companion because there are so many awesome things about Poway. Here are 5 things: no billboards, it's conservative, the schools are great, the church is strong, and it has freaking San Diego weather! Best place ever.
Also I've been thinking about my wedding, mostly because of Pinterest. Can I just give a shout out to Pinterest because it is one of the greatest things ever!!!! But back to the wedding. It's going to be so marvelous because I'm going to marry the most outstanding guy in the world.
College. I cannot wait. I think about it everyday. It's going to be soooooo wonderful. I'm really excited that I'll be able to be close to my extended family and so many other people (that is if I get into BYU. fingers crossed!). And I'll be able to cook for hot boys with my yellow kitchenaid which is pretty dang exciting.
I just think that the future holds fabulous things!!
Also I've been thinking about my wedding, mostly because of Pinterest. Can I just give a shout out to Pinterest because it is one of the greatest things ever!!!! But back to the wedding. It's going to be so marvelous because I'm going to marry the most outstanding guy in the world.
College. I cannot wait. I think about it everyday. It's going to be soooooo wonderful. I'm really excited that I'll be able to be close to my extended family and so many other people (that is if I get into BYU. fingers crossed!). And I'll be able to cook for hot boys with my yellow kitchenaid which is pretty dang exciting.
I just think that the future holds fabulous things!!
Empty Water Bottles
I've noticed that when there is an empty water bottle in my room, (which is everyday) I pick it up and hit my head with it a few times. I might as well be retarded according to that action. Its actually rather soothing, and a little fun. Empty water bottles are pretty exciting.
Things I really, really, really want.
If you don't think both of these pairs of shoes are ridiculously cute, you have a serious problem and I would recommend seeing a doctor. I am absolutely in love with them. I tried on the Hunter boots at Nordstrom and I wanted to buy them right then and there but they cost mucho mula that I don't have right now. I was planning on saving up for them myself (but now I'm asking for them for Christmas) and so I'm making a Hunter boot piggy bank in ceramics right now, and it's going to be stinking cute. The Sperry Penny Loafers just sang to me when I first saw them. Oh man I'm a online shopaholic.
Poop on your face.
I guess the title is kind of gross but it is a common phrase at my house. When someone walks into the house they say "hey poop on your face!" Jacob and I will then proceed to wipe our faces and say "dangit he's talking about me!" And then we laugh and laugh and laugh. So today the conversation went like this:
Me: Hey poop on your face.
Mom: That is so gross to have poop on your face. Like hey poop in your armpit.
Then Jacob and I just look at each other like "what did she just say?" I thought it was pretty funny. I just though you would like to know what a normal conversation is like in the Lang home. :D
Me: Hey poop on your face.
Mom: That is so gross to have poop on your face. Like hey poop in your armpit.
Then Jacob and I just look at each other like "what did she just say?" I thought it was pretty funny. I just though you would like to know what a normal conversation is like in the Lang home. :D
I'm a Senior.
You'd think that statement would bring a ton of joy to me right? To be completely honest it really doesn't. I'm pretty neutral about it. Being a senior is hard. I'm going to have to do college apps, get everything for college, decide on a major, take two AP tests, get all A's, get 100% seminary attendance, and party like crazy. That's a lot to do in a year. But also being a senior means that I can be weird and not really care about what people think about me because I won't see them ever again come June and it means that I get to finally be done with high school. It means that I can stop waking up before 5, I get to be the cool kid on campus, and I get to party like crazy. Did I already say that?
My classes are pretty good this year. Hard but good. They all go by really fast and I like the people in them so thats fun. I do have to read some really stupid books for English this year though. :/ I'm excited for my senior year though. Mostly for it to be over so that I can FINALLY go to college! School is good.
My classes are pretty good this year. Hard but good. They all go by really fast and I like the people in them so thats fun. I do have to read some really stupid books for English this year though. :/ I'm excited for my senior year though. Mostly for it to be over so that I can FINALLY go to college! School is good.
My Summer
So my summer was pretty crazy. Actually REALLY crazy. I don't think I've ever had a busier summer. I wish I didn't have so much going on so that I could have enjoyed the fun times instead of worrying about what I had to do next. So here's a list of what I did:
So as you can see it was a pretty stressful summer. But it was still really fun!
- had Princess Camp at my house
- went to Girl's Camp and got to be a counselor
- had Boy's Camp at my house
- helped my best friend move 700 miles away
- painted the kitchen cabinets
- taught a little boy how to swim
- went to Soak City with some of my best friends
- went to Utah and saw my cousins
- went to Utah canyon
- drove the Sequoia
- cleaned out Sydney's closet
- fell in love with the song "Home"-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
- went down a huge zipline
- got a tour of BYU
- spent a week with Becca at EFY
- got hit on by 14 year olds
- had a cow cross in front of our car
- stayed in Mammoth for a few days with my dad's side of the family
- went to a couple receptions
- became a nanny for a week
- read the constitution
- learned how to drive stick shift
- babysat a TON!!!
Soak City |
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Girls Camp |
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Reception 1 |
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BYU Tour |
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Mammoth |
Adele sings to my soul. I love all her slower songs. (Someone like you, turning tables, make you feel my love) I just love that she writes her own songs and that the piano is in all of her songs. She's just great.
So Becca is one of my best friends. She is definitely the person I go to first to tell anything and everything. I know I can always count on her to be positive and lift my spirits. She's one of the greatest friends I've ever had and I'm so grateful for her in my life. Just over a week ago she moved over 700 miles away. We still text everyday but it was so hard last week when I had a party and I couldn't invite her. I know it sounds simple but we always had fun when we were together no matter what. Since we both got out of school early last year we would go to lunch about twice a month. Every time we went to Rubios. Rubios was the place that I found out that she was moving. I remember going home not knowing what I would do without my best friend. Now I'm learning how to live without her. Its going to be really hard but I know that her leaving will make me stronger. I know that she will be great in Utah and that she will make tons of friends and succeed in whatever she tries. If the world had more Becca's in it, it would be a much better place.
I think my biggest pet peeve is when people use the wrong your. It drives me insane. For instance "Your going to the store?" No. That doesn't make sense. I'm no grammar guru but I think a junior in high school should know how to use their yours.
*"You're going to the store?"
Computer Problems
So I'm probably one of the only people in the world that has had problems with a mac. I've only had it for 10 months and I've had to take it into the Apple store 4 times.
The first time I took it in was because my iTunes was skipping on every single song. They said they fixed that problem but they didn't and they dented and scratched the top of my computer. So I took it in to get the dent fix.
The third time I took it in was 2 weeks ago because my computer wouldn't turn on. I pressed the power button and after a few minutes when it wasn't turning on I just took a nap because it was right after girls camp. Then an hour later when I woke up it still hadn't turned on. Then I turned it off and turned it back on again and it still wasn't on after an hour. I took it into the store the next day. My computer was there for a week and I had to go in to buy an external hard drive so they could transfer all of my stuff onto it. They put in a new hard drive and new RAM. I got it back and everything seemed fine until nothing from my external hard drive would load onto my new hard drive. I tried everything to get my files back but nothing worked. So I took my computer in one more time. We asked for the manager only to find out that the manager knew nothing about computers. Then a guy with some sense came out and said he was going to look at it one more time. He was able to get most of my photos back but not all of them. I've spent the last 6 hours trying to get stuff loaded back onto my computer. I've been taking photos off of facebook which you have to do one by one so that took forever and now I've been transferring songs from my CDs. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Long story short, when you buy a computer for $1600, don't expect it to be any better than a $400 one.
I'm Back
So I didn't die or anything. I've just been terribly busy since my last post. With AP tests, finals, final projects, the ACT and camps for 3 weeks in a row it can get kind of hectic. All of those things went really well though. I did work my butt off for them so they had to go well. I am very happy with all my scores on all the things relating to school and as for the camps, Princess camp and Boys camp were crazy but Girls camp was really fun. All the girls in my group at girls camp were really sweet. I had Beehives and my co-conselors were Lydia, Haleigh and Julie. We had a lot of fun preparing and the lessons went great! Also we got the best counselor cabin. We had AC and a huge space in the middle of our bunks. PARTAY!!! It was really fun being a counselor and I wish we had stake camp again next year so I could be counselor again. It was such a great experience! I hope that one day I can be an EFY counselor!
Whenever I get in the shower there is always a bug in there. Okay not always but probably 3 times a week. They range from spiders to mosquito hawks and silver fish to june bugs. All gross and annoying, especially when they will not go down the drain. The spider this week was fighting going down the drain and it was so obnoxious. I hate when they are on the wall because then you have to wait until the end until you wash them down the drain because you want to be able to escape if they get close to you. I just really hate bugs because they are gross and unpredictable. But I will squish them like a pancake.
Shoe Fetish
My birthday
So yesterday was the 17th anniversary of President Nixon dying. Oh yeah, and it was my 17th birthday. I had an absolutely amazing day. So the radio is my alarm, and guess what song was on when I woke up? It was Born this Way by Lady Gaga. Crazy coincidence? I think not. It was just awesome. Then songs on the radio the rest of the day were all great so that always makes me happy. Also, in seminary, Sister Davies brought in doughnuts and I got to wear the birthday crown. Spencer brought me a balloon and it was my baby and Lydia gave me sprinkles cupcakes. Then I had a test at school which I thought I was going to fail but I think I did really excellent on it. Then Haleigh wrote on the windows of my car so thats always fun! After school my mom and I baked our pants off so there would be delicious food for my party. Then we had some lovely spaghetti and I opened my presents. I got some clothes and shoes and a sweet curling iron. Then we finished up the baking and decorated. The food was sooooooo good. We had oreo bon bons (crushed oreos mixed with cream cheese then dipped in chocolate) and these chocolate cookies with a cookie dough frosting in between. Also, we had snickers cupcakes (chocolate cupcakes with a snickers in them and caramel frosting) and some white chocolate party mix and some chips and dip. I think everyone felt sick afterward. I absolutely loved everyone that came and I had so much fun with all of them. I have some really amazing friends. :) We went in the spa and it was super closterfobic with all the people in there. But it was fun. Then we all just talked and went crazy. A pretty typical Mormon party. Overall I had a really terrific birthday! 17 might not be a very exciting age but I know that it's going to be an exciting and crazy year!
"You are really dumb"
This is my new favorite phrase. I say it to everyone especially when they do something stupid. I got it from Antoine Dodson (best video ever) and I just cannot help myself from saying it. Also you have to say it like he would or else it's not that funny. I love it when someone does something insanely retarded and you say it to them. It's the best. :)
Wild bunnies have a sad life.
So i was thinking about this the other day and I just couldn't get over how depressing bunnies's lives must be. They never die natural deaths.(At least if they dies from the Langs) They either get run over by a car or drown in a trampoline pit with all their babies. I do have to admit that they are pretty dumb though. I mean seriously, why stop in the middle of the road when a car is coming. I don't get it. The end.
New Room! (Sort of)
So recently my mom and I have painted the beds in my room and my mom made a new cover for my chair. Also I changed up the nicknacks on my nightstand. I think it all looks pretty dang good! Here are some pictures!
Friday February 11, 2011
I just have to say how eventful friday was. I turned in my junior paper!!!! That is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. The biggest assignment of my high school career is over and it feels fabulous. I also saw three car accidents on friday. Two of them were on my way home from school and the third was when I was on my way to a key club event. Then I also saw an ambulance when I was running. It took me an hour to get to a place that usually takes me 15 minutes to get to. traffic was ridiculous and once I got up to forty, I seriously put my arms in the air and screamed because it was so exciting. Obviously, I have an exciting life when things like this make for eventful days. :)
Freeze Life
Do you ever have those days when you feel like doing nothing but your favorite thing? Yeah, I'm having one of those days. I just feel like I have so much to think about and not enough brain to think about it. I really just want to clean right now. I know that sounds crazy because who likes to clean.? I do. I love it to death and I would do it all day if I didn't have to go to school and do homework. I just want to clean and then go to bed, but I have so much homework to do and so much to stress over. Sometimes I just wish I could freeze life. Just stop all the stresses and be able to do whatever I want without having to think about my future and all the things I have to get done. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think about how am I going to get into BYU and how am I going to get all this homework done. I just want to be in college so I can feel like I'm actually doing something for my life. I guess right now I feel super unmotivated because nothing is going right and school is hard and I'm constantly surrounded by losers who only talk about all the trouble they got in or the problems they're having with their boyfriend. I guess what it really comes down to is that I am tired and feel like I'm not becoming a better person at all because I am in a school of losers and freaks that I have nothing in common with. I also want to be in college at BYU so I can make lots of friends that share the same values as me and understand why I do the things I do.
The Adventures of Rex the Rock
So yesterday some friends and I wrote a book. It is a wonderful book and every child should read it. It is about a rock named Rex and he is a very lonely rock so her goes out to find some friends. As he is out meeting fish and bunnies and hamsters, he realizes that he needs to search for his true love. Then he finds Roxanne at In-n-out and realizes that it was meant to be.
We went out to a few places and took pictures of Rex with his friends. At the verizon store, the guy was freaking out and kept asking us if we needed help and he was so obnoxious. Then when we went to In-n-out, this kid complimented on our super cool rock.
One of those days
So today was really frustrating to say the least. So I get in the car today and notice that the gas light is on so I text my dad to ask him when it went on and he said I had enough gas for the day. While I'm driving to school, I get off the freeway and then the light turns green and the car won't go. I was freaking out. Then people started honking at me. This guy on the right side of me was telling me that the light was green and I looked at him gave him a dirty glare and thought to myself, do you not see my emergency lights flashing you retard. I know the light is green, I'm not color blind. Then another guy honked at me at least 5 times and I turned around looked right at him and screamed, "I CAN'T GO!" Then he gave me this dirty look like I was so annoying and I was ruining his morning by making him switch lanes. He was acting like it was the hugest deal for him to move to the left. I was so tempted to get out of the car and go punch him. Oh man he made me mad. Then my mom was on her way and I called my dad and then started crying and then I was a few minutes late to school. During school I fell asleep in 2 of my classes and in one of them my teacher yelled at me. We were watching a movie on the cell. I'm pretty sure that I know there are different kinds of cells that have different functions. Just because everyone else is that class is retarded doesn't mean that I am. Some people just make me so mad. Then I was driving home from piano and the freeway was merging and this person was behind me, merging into my lane and then they started to speed up like they had the right to get in front of me. So I sped up and they backed off and changed lanes. Some people are just so ridiculous. I swear most of the people on the road in San Diego are blind. Don't they see my emergency lights are on and that I am in front of them. I just don't understand. So that's my rant about a very annoying day.
What I Ate Today
Today I have had some pretty exciting things, you'll be jealous. For breakfast I had some cereal and milk, very original, I know. Then for snacking at school I had an apple, some pretzels and a FiberOne bar. Then when I got home from school I had an orange and some Rice a Roni. Very delicious I know.
15 Facts about me!
1. I am a true Californian girl. Born and raised.
2. I've never been out of the United States or off the continent.
3. I have a bird and a bird cage in my room, but neither are real.
4. I wear a brown purse almost everyday to school.
5. I was deaf when I was born.
6. I have lived in 3 different houses.
7. I have 24 pairs of shoes.
8. I stare at the Eiffel Tower everyday.
9. I have a blister on my thumb from burning it with the curling iron.
10. I have 3 siblings.
11. My dream is to be a mother with many, many kids.
12. There are teeth marks in my wall from myself.
13. I won $20 at my last piano recital.
14. I have never broken a bone or gotten stitches.
15. I was 5 foot in 5th grade and now 6 years later I am a whopping 5'1".
A letter to my followers
For all of my followers, which I know there are so many. Ha, NOT! Please stop reading my blog. You creep me out and I want you to stop reading my innermost feelings. Just kidding. I don't care if you read my blog and nor do I put my innermost feelings on here. I hope you don't get bored with my blog and I hope you look forward to my new posts. If you don't though that's okay too because blogging is a good outlet for me. I don't have to write formally and I can write about things I like. So thanks for reading my blog!
What got me into this Challenge
Rachel Potter was the person who got me into this challenge. I saw it one day on her blog and I thought it would be fun to do. I wanted to do it because I had just started my blog and I didn't really know what to blog about and this gave me something to blog about. Obviously I haven't been doing them everyday because I would have been done with them forever ago. I like just choosing the ones I like too because some of them could be really awkward or just take too much time. Like the one to your lover or crush WEIRD! What are you supposed to say, "I love you so much, you're wonderful, I hope we get married someday." No, you say that to their face not on the internet. Sorry, that one just bothered me. That's what got me into the challenge!
Picture from when I was a wee little girl

My Outfit Today
P.S. To Brynn and Marissa, I'm hot Tuesday!!!
The Help
So I just finished an amazing book today. It is called The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It is about black maids in the 60's who tell their stories to a white lady to put in a book. It's interesting because the author writes in the perspective of the 3 main characters and switches between them every two to three chapters. From the moment I started reading this book I knew that I would love it. The characters feel so real and you wish you could meet them and be best friends with them. There are also some characters where you wish you could go through the book just to give them a good punch. It so amazing to see all they go through to write the book and all the funny stories too. That's another good thing about this book is that it is absolutely hilarious. I love this book so much and I can't wait for the movie to come out in August!
In You've got mail Kathleen Kelly says something to the effect that a really good book if its the right one can change you in so many different ways for the rest of your life and you can learn lessons from it that you couldn't learn any other way. This was one of those books. One that I will always remember. I've learned so much from it even though it's not a true story, but it shows love between characters that seems intangible and such a great compassion for others. It really opened my eyes to how segregation was. I'm so tempted to write Kathryn Stockett and thank her for this masterpiece she has created.
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