Three simple letters that make my heart pound. (In a good way) On Friday, I saw on Facebook that BYU Admissions had posted that people should know the status of their BYU application by the end of the weekend. When I saw that moment, I don't think I had ever been more nervous in my life. My heart was going so fast I thought I might need medical attention. I logged in to see my application and nothing had changed. It still said completed next to it but no accepted or denied. A couple minutes later I pressed refresh. Then one of the best moments of my life happened. I saw the word "ACCEPTED" next to my name. I jumped up from the computer (literally) and started screaming "Oh my gosh!" My family started to come around me and ask what had happened and I told them the good news. With one of the biggest smiles on my face I started crying. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world. I had so much adrenaline. (Went running a little while later and ran super fast. )
On Friday night some friends came over. When my friend Spencer knocked on the door (who had also been accepted), I looked at him and said "We're going to BYU!!" and we gave each other a huge hug. The rest of the night we kept on talking about all the fun things we were going to do in that little town of Provo, Utah.
Since Friday, every time I think of BYU, I get so happy. I can not wait for all the amazing moments I will have there, all the people I will meet and all the baking I will do (hopefully for some man friends). Its going to be one amazing journey. Its something I've been dreaming about ever since I can remember. Its a dream thats finally come true.
See you in August Cougar town!!!