
Things I really, really, really want.

If you don't think both of these pairs of shoes are ridiculously cute, you have a serious problem and I would recommend seeing a doctor. I am absolutely in love with them. I tried on the Hunter boots at Nordstrom and I wanted to buy them right then and there but they cost mucho mula that I don't have right now. I was planning on saving up for them myself (but now I'm asking for them for Christmas) and so I'm making a Hunter boot piggy bank in ceramics right now, and it's going to be stinking cute. The Sperry Penny Loafers just sang to me when I first saw them. Oh man I'm a online shopaholic. 

Poop on your face.

I guess the title is kind of gross but it is a common phrase at my house. When someone walks into the house they say "hey poop on your face!" Jacob and I will then proceed to wipe our faces and say "dangit he's talking about me!" And then we laugh and laugh and laugh. So today the conversation went like this:
Me: Hey poop on your face.
Mom: That is so gross to have poop on your face. Like hey poop in your armpit.
Then Jacob and I just look at each other like "what did she just say?" I thought it was pretty funny. I just though you would like to know what a normal conversation is like in the Lang home. :D