Whenever I get in the shower there is always a bug in there. Okay not always but probably 3 times a week. They range from spiders to mosquito hawks and silver fish to june bugs. All gross and annoying, especially when they will not go down the drain. The spider this week was fighting going down the drain and it was so obnoxious. I hate when they are on the wall because then you have to wait until the end until you wash them down the drain because you want to be able to escape if they get close to you. I just really hate bugs because they are gross and unpredictable. But I will squish them like a pancake.
Shoe Fetish
My birthday
So yesterday was the 17th anniversary of President Nixon dying. Oh yeah, and it was my 17th birthday. I had an absolutely amazing day. So the radio is my alarm, and guess what song was on when I woke up? It was Born this Way by Lady Gaga. Crazy coincidence? I think not. It was just awesome. Then songs on the radio the rest of the day were all great so that always makes me happy. Also, in seminary, Sister Davies brought in doughnuts and I got to wear the birthday crown. Spencer brought me a balloon and it was my baby and Lydia gave me sprinkles cupcakes. Then I had a test at school which I thought I was going to fail but I think I did really excellent on it. Then Haleigh wrote on the windows of my car so thats always fun! After school my mom and I baked our pants off so there would be delicious food for my party. Then we had some lovely spaghetti and I opened my presents. I got some clothes and shoes and a sweet curling iron. Then we finished up the baking and decorated. The food was sooooooo good. We had oreo bon bons (crushed oreos mixed with cream cheese then dipped in chocolate) and these chocolate cookies with a cookie dough frosting in between. Also, we had snickers cupcakes (chocolate cupcakes with a snickers in them and caramel frosting) and some white chocolate party mix and some chips and dip. I think everyone felt sick afterward. I absolutely loved everyone that came and I had so much fun with all of them. I have some really amazing friends. :) We went in the spa and it was super closterfobic with all the people in there. But it was fun. Then we all just talked and went crazy. A pretty typical Mormon party. Overall I had a really terrific birthday! 17 might not be a very exciting age but I know that it's going to be an exciting and crazy year!
"You are really dumb"
This is my new favorite phrase. I say it to everyone especially when they do something stupid. I got it from Antoine Dodson (best video ever) and I just cannot help myself from saying it. Also you have to say it like he would or else it's not that funny. I love it when someone does something insanely retarded and you say it to them. It's the best. :)
Wild bunnies have a sad life.
So i was thinking about this the other day and I just couldn't get over how depressing bunnies's lives must be. They never die natural deaths.(At least if they dies from the Langs) They either get run over by a car or drown in a trampoline pit with all their babies. I do have to admit that they are pretty dumb though. I mean seriously, why stop in the middle of the road when a car is coming. I don't get it. The end.
New Room! (Sort of)
So recently my mom and I have painted the beds in my room and my mom made a new cover for my chair. Also I changed up the nicknacks on my nightstand. I think it all looks pretty dang good! Here are some pictures!
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