
Friday February 11, 2011

I just have to say how eventful friday was. I turned in my junior paper!!!! That is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me. The biggest assignment of my high school career is over and it feels fabulous. I also saw three car accidents on friday. Two of them were on my way home from school and the third was when I was on my way to a key club event. Then I also saw an ambulance when I was running. It took me an hour to get to a place that usually takes me 15 minutes to get to. traffic was ridiculous and once I got up to forty, I seriously put my arms in the air and screamed because it was so exciting. Obviously, I have an exciting life when things like this make for eventful days. :)


Freeze Life

Do you ever have those days when you feel like doing nothing but your favorite thing? Yeah, I'm having one of those days. I just feel like I have so much to think about and not enough brain to think about it. I really just want to clean right now. I know that sounds crazy because who likes to clean.? I do. I love it to death and I would do it all day if I didn't have to go to school and do homework. I just want to clean and then go to bed, but I have so much homework to do and so much to stress over. Sometimes I just wish I could freeze life. Just stop all the stresses and be able to do whatever I want without having to think about my future and all the things I have to get done. There's not a day that goes by when I don't think about how am I going to get into BYU and how am I going to get all this homework done. I just want to be in college so I can feel like I'm actually doing something for my life. I guess right now I feel super unmotivated because nothing is going right and school is hard and I'm constantly surrounded by losers who only talk about all the trouble they got in or the problems they're having with their boyfriend. I guess what it really comes down to is that I am tired and feel like I'm not becoming a better person at all because I am in a school of losers and freaks that I have nothing in common with. I also want to be in college at BYU so I can make lots of friends that share the same values as me and understand why I do the things I do.