Crappy Orthodontist
I'm pretty sure I have the worst orthodontist in the world. I was flossing my teeth while on vacation this week and part of my bottom retainer fell off. I've only had the retainer for 2 months. It's just wrong. Also, while I had my braces I had 10 brackets fall off. TEN!!!!! Then they tried to accuse me of grinding my teeth but I don't. I am tired of having to go to the orthodontist a ton and being told complete lies when I do go there. I am warning you DO NOT go to Dr. Henry in Poway. He is the worst orthodontist ever and should not be able to put braces on anyone.
Someone I Would Switch Lives With
If I had to switch lives with anyone for just a day that person would have to be...I really have no idea. I thought about the president but I would never want to be in that brain of Obama's because I would get lost in too many stupid thoughts and I would probably want to punch myself the whole day. I was also thinking about some star but they are all so dramatic and kind of obnoxious just because they are famous. I would never want to switch lives with a super duper smart person either because my brain would probably explode. I think I would have to choose either Thomas S. Monson or my aunt Tarese. Thomas S. Monson is the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints aka Mormons. He is one of the greatest men on this earth. I don't think there is anyone more charitable, more cheerful or more full of life than he is. I would love to see everyone from his perspective and be able to not judge people instantly and to be ableto love them just because they were a child of God. I admire him so much and I love to be able to call him my prophet.

My aunt Tarese has downs syndrome. I would switch places with her because I would also love to see people through her perspective. Anybody who knows Tarese knows that she is the most lovable girl in the world. She is so sweet and I would love to be able to love everyone instantly like she does. I would love to be able to be as happy as her just sitting at the table holding her Jackie dolls watching people laugh and run around. She has had such and influence on my life and how I treat others and I am so thankful to her for that.
Last Movie I Watched
The last movie I watched was Toy Story 3. Oh man I love that movie. I saw it 3 times in the theatre. I love the characters in the movie. They are all so distinctive and hilarious. They all end up exactly where you want them too also. I love how at the end Bonnie makes Woody and Buzz high five each other just like Andy did when he was a little boy. It's so sweet. Also I love how they all stick together no matter what. Some of my favorite parts would have to be: when Buzz is spanish, when Trixie IMs the dinosaur down the street, and when Mr. Potato head is a pickle. There are so many good parts in the movie. It makes you laugh, cry, and jump for joy. Pixar really has done it again, taken a simple story and made it extraordinary.
Top 10 Pet Peeves
- When the sun is shining right in front of your face and there is no way to avoid it/when someones headlights are shining in one of your mirrors on you car causing you to go blind. I just hate super bright lights that get in the way.
- When people have greasy hair. I don't know why that bothers me so much. It just does. I guess its just because I think they could look so much better if they just washed their hair.
- When there are papers laying somewhere and a fan is on and the papers are blowing making a crinkly noise. That one is kind of hard to describe but it drives me nuts. Especially when the dumb sound wakes me up in the middle of the night and it sounds like a creeper walking in my house.
- I hate when Doctors are fat or smoke and when dentists/orthodontists have ugly teeth. They tell us to follow all these rules that they don't follow themselves.
- Blue Eyeshadow. Whoever thought that blue eyeshadow was a good idea, seriously has problems. Blue eyeshadow is for clowns not for normal people.
- When super smart people don't try hard. They have the brain they just don't use it to its full potential.
- People that always care about what they look like in pictures. You know what people I'm talking about. The ones that always ask to see the picture after you take it. I just don't show it to them.
- Administrators at schools. I swear most of them just choose to work at a high school because they were such a loser and just want to get back t high school students.
- Motorcyclists. I hate when they go in between lanes and cut everyone off and all that junk.
- Ugly landscaping. If people would just plant their own plants and dead head them once in a while, the world would be much prettier. Not that I'm a go green kind of person, I just don't like looking at ugly plants.
Favorite Songs
I can't really think of one song that is my favorite because I love so many songs. At the moment my favorite song would have to be Speak Now by Taylor Swift. I love this song and probably listen to it about 3 times a day. I love screaming the lyrics and dancing around to it. The lyrics are funny and the song is super upbeat. Some of my other favorite songs are Boogie Shoes (K.C. and the Sunshine Band), Life (Beckah Shae),Crazier (Taylor Swift), and Stuck like Glue (Sugarland). Those are just a few. When Boogie Shoes comes on, you just can't help but dance. Life is also a super fun song to dance to and puts you in a good mood. Crazier has good memories associated with it and makes me smile and Stuck like glue again is fun to dance to and is just a fun song in general. All these songs are very different genres of music so its kind of weird that I love them all so much. I guess you could say I'm a pop country girl who loves disco!
Best Friend
I have a few best friends I'd like to recognize. Some things they all have in common is they have all been there for me at hard times, they make me laugh, I can talk to them about anything, they are all super cute!!!!! There are 5: Marissa, Brynn, Ashley, Becca, and Rachel.
Let's start with Ashley Oross. Our friendship began about 2 years ago when we were in the same health class freshman year. We found out that each other were mormon and we instantly became friends. We were hanging out and introducing each other to one another's friends very soon after we met. Ashley and I will have sleep overs and fall asleep at 10 and we love it. haha I can totally be myself around Ashley and do stupid things that I wouldn't do in front of other people. Also Ashley will listen to all my stupid stories and laugh at them no matter how dry they are. Even though Ashley and I have a different style of music for the most part, our love of music brings us to show each other our new finds. It's pretty awesome how many songs I have fallen in love with because Ashley has shown them to me. Ashley is very comfortable around adults and I admire her for that. I love her to death!!!!
Rachel Potter is an amazing girl. We met at EFY 2008 in Provo. We were in the same group and we had so much fun together everyday. We clicked so easily and I knew that we would be friends forever because she is that kind of person. After EFY we kept in touch. We would email each other constantly. I told her everything. I still tell her everything. I know that I can go to her for any advice I need or if I just need to vent to someone. She is the kind of person that I could talk to for hours. And we have done that. Rachel lives in LA so that kind of causes a problem. She has come to San Diego a few times since we met but it hasn't been enough. Every time she comes we have so much fun together and our friendship grows more and more. She is absolutely wonderful and I love her so much! :)
Brynn Naylor. What to say about her? Actually what not to say about her? I have known Brynn for as long as I can remember. We have just recently become really good friends though. Brynn and my sister were best friends and then when Marissa went to college last year Brynn and I became really close. Also, Brynn and I went to Texas for a week summer 2009. Around Brynn I can completely be myself. No boundaries. I felt like I was always in Brynn's car and I felt like those were the best times with her. We were able to talk about everything. Brynn kind of became my sister when mine left. Brynn is also and amazing example to me. She always does the right thing. She also makes everyone smile probably because she is always smiling. I love Brynn!
Becca Dorian. I love this girl so much. We also met at EFY 2 years ago. She was in the same apartment as me and she came in late. When she came in I had a feeling that I should go talk to her and so I did. We became friends instantly. When we found out that we were both from San Diego , we were really excited. We went to EFY together the next two years. We go crazy when we are in the same room. I can totally imagine her being my future roommate. After EFY Becca and I talked everyday and we still do. I tell Becca everything, and I mean everything. I have called her so many times when I am having a bad day and we just talk on the phone and cry with each other. She always puts me in a good mood and I can always count on her for advice. She is such an amazing friend. I love Becca Dorian!!!
Marissa Lang. Well there is a lot to say about Marissa since she has been there since the day I was born. Marissa is my older sister. We are crazy together. We have been best friends ever since we were little. We have always gotten along very well. We would play American girl dolls together, house, barbies, bratz dolls. You name a kind of doll, we played with it together. She has always been there for me. I feel lucky to be younger than her because I have been able to learn from her experiences. She has always been a good example to me. We have shared a room basically our entire life. There were so many nights where we would stay up til 10 talking about the most random things. 10 was really late when I was 12 and she was 15. I would fall out of my bed and she would laugh at me, but it was a loving laugh. We have a lot of weird inside jokes with each other. There are so many I don't even remember what half of them are even from. When I was a freshman and Marissa was a senior we go the chance to go to the same school which hadn't happened in a long time. We had sooooo much fun driving to school and to seminary. It was insane. It would always be really hot and then I would roll down the window and Marissa would scream at me to roll it up because she was cold. We would mostly just scream at each other in the car. We would be cracking up though. We would drive into the school parking lot and the guy at the top of the hill would see us cracking up and he would look at us like we were on drugs. It was great. When she went to college, I was devastated. That year was really hard. I never realized how much I leaned on her for support. I love Marissa so much and she is the greatest sister that anyone could ever ask for!!!
I am so thankful for all of these wonderful girls. They have changed my life in so many ways. They are the greatest!!!!!
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