
30 Day Challenge

So I was looking at my friend Rachel's blog and I saw that she had this up and I would really like to do it because it sounds like a lot of fun. It's a list of a bunch of things to post on your blog.

Day 1: Write about your best friend(s)
Day 2: Post your favorite song and write why you like it
Day 3: Your top 10 pet peeves
Day 4: What was the last movie you watched, write about it
Day 5: Someone you would switch lives with for a day and why
Day 6: A picture that makes you happy
Day 7: If you were stranded on an Island, who would be with you and which limited 10 items would you two have?
Day 8: Describe your perfect date
Day 9: A picture of you when you were still young. (ex. 2,3,4 etc.)
Day 10: Write the differences between you and your best friend(s)
Day 11: Write a letter to your loved one (ex. crush, boyfriend etc.)
Day 12: What got you into this challenge?
Day 13: A picture of what you wore today
Day 14: A silly picture of you/ you & your friends
Day 15: Create an outfit at http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/app and printscreen it!
Day 16: A picture of your cellphone/iPod/camera. ** Or altogether!
Day 17: List 15 facts about you
Day 18: Write a letter to your followers
Day 19: A video you would usually watch on Youtube
Day 20: What did you eat today? Picture if you want*
Day 21: What do you look for in a guy/girl?
Day 22: A picture of what you wore today
Day 23: Post up all the sites you use. (ex. your Twitter link, Facebook, Formspring etc.)
Day 24: When you look outside step outside your front door of the house, what do you see? picture if you like **
Day 25: Recommend a few Blogs and write why you recommended them.
Day 26: Your favorite quote
Day 27: Something that inspires you
Day 28: Write a letter to someone you’ve never talked to in a long time
Day 29: Things you’re looking forward to next week -month
Day 30: Someone that you owe an apology to



Many people think I'm crazy for going to church everyday before school at six in the morning. I kind of agree with them. But there are so many reasons to go that I can't think of why I wouldn't. Some of those reasons are: I get to see some of my best friends that I otherwise wouldn't see, I get to start off my day in a place where I can be comfortable and happy, and I get to learn more about the gospel. It may seem a little silly but I LOVE driving to seminary. I get to go fast and there is no one in my way. It's glorious! You really get to appreciate driving when no one else is doing it at the same time as you. Even though I love seminary it is super hard. Waking up early and having to go to bed early not being able to finish my homework is difficult but seminary is so great those things don't really matter. Also, seminary gives me bragging rights. When kids at school complain about how tired they are I just tell them how early I get up every day and it shuts them right up. Those of you who have gone through early morning seminary probably share these same feelings with me, as you should because seminary is amazing.


Random Things About Me

  1. My feet are always cold during the winter no matter what I do.
  2. I have an obsession with big earrings, big purses an shoes.
  3. I hate when people tap their feet really fast when they're sitting down.
  4. I love driving without shoes on.
  5. I hate wearing socks by themselves.
  6. I love cheesy teenage love stories.
  7. I have a journal I write in every night.
  8. Cleaning and organizing help me relax.
  9. I still sleep with my baby blanket.
  10. I'm afraid of the dark.
  11. I have 8 American Girl Dolls and I still do their hair and dress them up.
  12. I can't wait to have little kids so I can watch shows like Arthur with them.
  13. I love the smell of coffee even though I will never drink it.
  14. I think Shakespeare is stupid.
  15. I'm in love with cold chocolate chips.